20 Solander Ave
West Hoxton 2171 NSW, Australia
+612 9825 9999
1. Apply Edius Chroma Keyer to a blue or green clip and fine tune, then enable key display and close the keyer.
2. Mark in and out of the clip section that you need as an alpha clip and export to Canopus HQ between in and out, call the clip Mask etc.
3. Delete the Chroma keyer and export the same clip to Canopus HQ with the same in and out points, call the clip Blue etc.
4. Now you see two new clips in the bin, Mask and Blue, select both clips, right click and choose Convert, Alpha matte.
5. Select as seen below and choose uncompressed, Lossless or HQ, whatever works best for you in the desired destination program, and call the clip Comp etc.
6. All done, use the resulting Comp clip in any program that supports alpha clips.
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