Antons Video Productions

20 Solander Ave
West Hoxton 2171 NSW, Australia
+612 9825 9999

Successfully upgrading EDIUS 6 to EDIUS 6.51

NOTE: It is recommended not to use the existing profile in 6.51, this means that you will need to set all your system and user settings after 6.51 installation, the below steps ensure that the old profile is deleted.

1. Open EDIUS 6 and export all capture device presets to a safe drive

EDIUS 6.51 installation step1


2. Select all project presets and choose export all

EDIUS 6.51 installation step2

3. Uninstall EDIUS and reboot

4. Uninstall all plugins except izotope (if you have them installed)

5. Do not delete the left behind folder in Program Files (x86), you will need to transfer izotope to EDIUS 6.51

6. Set windows explorer to show hidden files and folders and delete the Canopus folder in C\Users\Login Account Name\AppData\Roaming

EDIUS 6.51 installation step3

7. Delete the EDIUS folder in C\Users\ProgramData\Canopus

EDIUS 6.51 installation step4

8. Empty the Temp folder in C\Users\Login Account Name\AppData\Local

9. Disable any anti virus software or uninstall it if it can't be successfully disabled

10. Install EDIUS 6.5 and during installation, choose EDIUS, QuickTime (if already pre selected) DVD Menu Styles and the User Manual in your language

11. Reboot PC and empty Temp folder in in C\Users\Login Account Name\AppData\Local

12. Do not start EDIUS, register EDIUS 6.5 at so that you can get access to the latest download, version 6.51

13. Download and install EDIUS 6.51 update and reboot

14. Copy the entire contents of the VST folder from EDIUS 6 to EDIUS 6.51, then you can delete the left behind folder of EDIUS 6

EDIUS 6.51 installation step5

15. Start EDIUS and activate online, no need to register, then define the custom video drive and folder location for the EDIUS projects

16. You will be asked to create a project preset, simply create one single preset just as a dummy (call it dummy), you can delete it later

17. Configure all your windows to fit your monitor and customize all settings and buttons to match what you had in EDIUS 6

18. Import your Capture Device Presets in System Settings

19. Import your project presets and then delete the dummy one

20. In System Settings, Project Presets, modify each project preset to reflect the new alpha channel options and the new resampling method of Lanczos 3

EDIUS 6.51 installation step6

EDIUS 6.51 installation step7


21. Re-enable or install your anti virus software (if you have one) and exclude the following four folders from being scanned, ESET NOD32 Antivirus works well

C:\Program Files (x86)\Grass Valley
C:\Users\Login Account Name\AppData\Roaming\Grass Valley
C:\ProgramData\Grass Valley

V:\The folder that holds all EDIUS projects on your video drive


EDIUS 6.51 installation step8


NOTE: If you have an anti virus software that does not allow exclusion, you may have problems



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