20 Solander Ave
West Hoxton 2171 NSW, Australia
+612 9825 9999
1. apply 3D PIP to clip and double click, make sure timeline cursor is snapped to keyframes, adjust size and position and shadow, crop, border etc. so that the PIP looks the way you want it.
2. advance the timeline pointer by 2 seconds or so and click the multi keyframe button as seen here.
3. advance the timeline pointer to 2 seconds or so before the timeline end and click the multi keyframe button as seen here.
4. advance the timeline pointer right to the end and click the multi keyframe button as seen here.
5. snap the timeline cursor to second lot of keyframes, click the keyframe in first row and set constant interpolation, then repeat for other 3 rows.
6. snap timeline pointer to beginning keyframes and rotate and size the image, then move it right outside the screen.
7. snap timeline pointer to end keyframes and rotate and size the image, then move it right outside the screen.
8. preview your keyframe animation by playing the Edius timeline or by clicking the play button inside the 3D PIP window, I usually prefer to play the timeline to see the result on the external monitor.
9. if the fly in of the window was too fast, simply place the timeline pointer to 3 sec from start and then drag and snap the keyframes of all rows to pointer.
10. Once you are familiar with the above principal, you can animate individual rows such as a shadow slowly appearing as the image flies in etc.
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