20 Solander Ave
West Hoxton 2171 NSW, Australia
+612 9825 9999
1. Open a still from the video or any other bg image or simply choose file new, type a size according to your TV standard, in my case Pal, 720x576 -
2. Use the text tool and type some Banner text if required
3. Decorate the text with a style if required (drag style onto layer) -
4. From the layer menu, choose flatten image -
5. From the filter menu, choose blur, motion blur and apply 90x1 - (this will eliminate any edge jitter when displayed on a TV)
6. Lets see what we have so far -
7. Lets make buttons, from the file menu choose new and type a size -
8. Right click the layer and choose duplicate layer - resulting in the following -
9. Drop a suitable style just like you did with the title -
10. If you do more than one button, save this file as a psd
11. Use the text tool and type text on the button, apply a drop shadow or preset style if needed -
12. Now flatten the image from the layer menu - then apply the motion blur again -
13. Now select the move tool drag the button onto the background -
14. If you like, apply a drop shadow to the button -
15. If you need additional buttons, go back to the open button file and go back one step in the history to unflatten -
16. Change the text, then repeat steps 12, 13 and 14
17. Now save as psd with layers - see end result -
1. Start a new project and browse for the menu.psd, then select the following option:
Still Menu with Subpicture - and make sure the radio buttons are selected, see -
2. Add your movies and sound files, then link the buttons -
3. You should also link the title and menu buttons to point to menu, also make your next, previous and return links etc. -
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