20 Solander Ave
West Hoxton 2171 NSW, Australia
+612 9825 9999
(example shows Betacam SP setup with PAL 16:9)
1. Go to System Settings, Hardware, click Device Preset, then click New
2. Type a file name and select a suitable Icon
3. Select all Input Hardware settings as seen below, and choose your desired video format such as Pal or NTSC, 4:3 or 16:9
4. Click the capture codec settings button and choose desired quality
5. Click the Stream settings button
6. Select Sync to Input Sync or external Ref in case you use external Ref
7. Select the following Video Output settings
8. Choose your preferred audio output level such as 0db or +4db
9. Select RS-422 and choose a desired preroll time for capture
10. Leave all Input level and enhancement settings at default
11. Choose your desired audio Input level settings
12. Click Next
13. Choose the Output Hardware and Video Format
14. Click Stream settings
15. Set Sync mode to OFF or external Ref if you are using external Ref
16. Set Video Output settings as seen below
17. Set Audio Output to desired db levels
18. Choose RS-422, make sure the deck is connected and turned on, click Check for deck ID and set your desired preroll and postroll for print to tape operation
19. Click Next
20. Click Completed
21. Assign an Input Preset by right click of the newly created Icon
22. Capturing is now very simple, select your preset and off you go, or press shortcut
23. Print to tape is also simple now, mark in and out on timeline, click Print to Tape
24. Your Device will be shown, click next
25. Choose Assemble or Insert, click read TC from VCR, type a desired start time and click Cue Up, then click Next
26. A confirmation dialog will be shown, if happy, click export
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