Antons Video Productions

20 Solander Ave
West Hoxton 2171 NSW, Australia
+612 9825 9999

Using TmpgEnc Video Mastering Works 5 for downscaling EDIUS HD to PAL SD or NTSC SD with superb results, no downscaling artifacts, ideal for DVD production.

Make the following prefetch cache settings for further improvement

Video Mastering Works 5 - prefetch cache settings


Now you are ready to get started

1. Export your EDIUS timeline to Canopus HQ Fine Quality or Canopus Lossless. Be sure Edius project setting is set to Standard Color space conversion.

CanopusHQ fine



2. Start Mastering Works 5 and start a new project in Normal Mode

Video Mastering Works 5 - New Project



3. Click Add File and browse for the Canopus HQ

Video Mastering Works 5 - Add File



4. Sometimes the field order is not detected correctly, make sure you set it to interlaced if the source is interlaced, otherwise leave it on progressive

Video Mastering Works 5 - Field Order



5. Click Filters

Video Mastering Works 5 - Filters



6. Select Picture resize filer and set like below for best results

Video Mastering Works 5 - Picture Resize Filter


Video Mastering Works 5 - Resize Filter Settings



7. Click Format and choose DVD-Video standard MPEG file

If your required output target is Canopus HQ.avi stop right here and  jump to step 17

Video Mastering Works 5 - DVD-Video Template



8. Choose your Video System, use CBR for short programs, VBR for long ones with 90min or more duration when using single layer DVD

Video Mastering Works 5 - Template Settings



9. set video bitrate to 7700 maximum and set audio to 256

Video Mastering Works 5 - Bitrate Settings



10. Choose Elementary Video and Audio (in most cases) and then unlock the template with MPEG output button

Video Mastering Works 5 - Unlock template


11. Close the GOP and set the number of frames

Video Mastering Works 5 - GOP structure


12. In Advanced, set as below

Video Mastering Works 5 - Advanced


13. Save the Template and type a suitable name

Video Mastering Works 5 - Save


Video Mastering Works 5 - Template name


14. Click Encode and choose Export or Batch Export in case you want to encode more files

Video Mastering Works 5 - Encode


Video Mastering Works 5 - Export


15. Next time you need to do a DVD, use the custom template and all you need to do is adjust the bitrate if needed in order to fit the content on the single layer or dual layer DVD.

Video Mastering Works 5 - Custom Template


16. The size indicator gives a clear picture of how full the disk will be as you adjust the bitrate, make sure you allow some overhead for the menu if needed.

Video Mastering Works 5 - DVD size indicator


This completes downscale and output to DVD compliant files


Optional output

17. Choose AVI file output

Video Mastering Works 5 - AVI file output


18. Type the desired width and height, and choose progressive or interlaced depending on your source, choose Canopus HQ and set quality to Online Fine

Video Mastering Works 5 - AVI settings


19. make sure audio is set to 48000 Hz

Video Mastering Works 5 - Audio settings


20. Start a new EDIUS SD interlaced or progressive 16:9 project depending on your source file, right click the file and notice that aspect and field order are incorrect, in case of interlaced file. (Note that Edius disk burner will be unavailable when working in progressive projects)

Video Mastering Works 5 - EDIUS clip properties incorrect


21. Correct field order (if file is interlaced) and aspect ratio

Video Mastering Works 5 - EDIUS clip properties correct



Download my Pal 720x576 16:9 DVD Template

(place in Documents/TmpgEnc/...Mastering Works 5/Template/Export folder)


Download my Pal Blu-ray 1920x1080 Interlaced Template

(place in Documents/TmpgEnc/...Mastering Works 5/Template/Export folder)


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