Antons Video Productions

20 Solander Ave
West Hoxton 2171 NSW, Australia
+612 9825 9999

Using EDIUS 6 track patches to make it feel like EDIUS 5

(this is my preferred EDIUS6 video editing workflow)


1. Add as many VA and V and A tracks as you like. Then make sure the track patches are next to 1VA and make sure the A track patch is set to A12 (stereo)EDIUS6 track patches step1


2. Turn off the A control button at the top left of the timeline

EDIUS6 track patches step2


3. If you wish to add video without audio to a VA track, drag the clip and let go when the mouse pointer is within the top third of the track (the video section)

EDIUS6 track patches step3


4. If you wish to add video with audio to a VA track, drag the video and let go of the mouse button when the mouse pointer is within the middle section of the VA track (audio section)

EDIUS6 track patches step4


5. Now you can add video to any V track and no audio will ever follow, it will be automatically stripped just like in EDIUS5

EDIUS6 track patches step5


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